Mr. Dong Jianping and Mr. Du Fangci Met with VDA
2011/08/19   From:CAAM

Mr. Dong Jianping, vice secretary general of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) and Mr. Du Fangci assistant secretary general of CAAM met with Mr. Hans-Georg Frischkorn, executive director of the VDA, Mr. Heinz Guenter Plegniere, general manager of the VDA-QMC and Mr. Robert Frank,general manager of the china VDA-QMC on August 8,2011.
        Mr. Dong Jianping briefed the status of Chinese auto parts quality system. Mr. Du Fangci introduced the last case of cooperation with the VDA, and analyzed the method that the two sides to promote the quality system VDA6.1/6.3 in Chinese market.