Mr. Dong Yang Met With ITT Corporation
2012/02/29   From:CAAM

Mr. Dong Yang, executive vice chairman and secretary general of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), Mr. Du Fangci,  assistant secretary general of CAAM, Mr. Chen Yuanzhi, director of spare parts department of CAAM met with Ms. Denise Ramos, CEO of ITT corporation on January 13, 2012.

Mr. Dong Yang put forward his own suggestions on ITT how to develop in China and future planning, hoped ITT can participate in some electric vehicle related conferences, organize domestic enterprises to go to visit the factories in China. He stressed that CAAM is willing to give assistance to the ITT new project research, in particular in the project feasibility study. Mr. Du Fangci, expressed a view on the action that ITT will invest and build factories in Wuxi.