The auto export enjoyed rapid growth

In March, the auto export witnessed rapid growth both monthly and yearly. This month, the volume was 90,000 units, up 60.7% than that of last month, and up 28% year on year, growing rapidly. As seen by type, the passenger cars reached 67,000 units, up 65.8% than that of last month and 36.1% year on year. And the commercial vehicles were 23,000 units, up 47.2% than that of last month and 8.8% year on year.
  For the first three months, the export reached 225,000 units, up 26.1% year on year. To be specific, the passenger cars reached 167,000 units, up 30.9% year on year; the commercial vehicles were 58,000 units, up 13.9% year on year.
  According to customs data sorted out by CAAM, in February, the total import of automobiles was 83,000 units, down 3.0% year on year, and the total export was 80,000 units, up 62.7% year on year. For the first two months, the accumulated imports reached 177,000 units, up 7.6% year on year; and the accumulated exports reached 160,000 units, up 30.1% year on year.